Latest Release (Feb 2014)
Changes detailed here
Beta Version180096069 (11th October 2012)
This is the first release from the Pacemaker Music Team. It contains vinyl scratching and other features that were implemented in the BlackBerry PlayBook Application.
Version 16219 (somewhere in-between above & below versions)
This is the unofficial & unreleased Firmware version from the Tonium team that DJ Pip found
Version 14142 (26th May 2009)
This was the last official release from the Tonium team
Version 14108 (18th May 2009)
[url= ... _13557.pfw]Version 13557 (release date unknown)[/url0]
Firmware Versions History & Downloads
Firmware Versions History & Downloads
Never experiment with drugs.... you might waste them
Re: Firmware Versions History & Downloads
First post now includes download links to all versions we have copies of, and have added Feb 2014 version.
Never experiment with drugs.... you might waste them