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Note: All timestamp fileds, such as date_added as stored in a field type of Number(20). I believe this is the no. of millisecs since 1st Jan 1970
Tracks Table
This table stores every single track in your library
Code: Select all
Field Name Type Use
track_id INTEGER Unique Id for the track (used in MixTracks and CaseTracks records)
artist VARCHAR(255) MP3 tag - Artist
album_artist VARCHAR(255) MP3 tag - Album artist
title VARCHAR(255) MP3 tag - Track title
composer VARCHAR(255) MP3 tag - Composer
album VARCHAR(255) MP3 tag - Album
track_number NUMBER(4) MP3 tag - Track No. on album
year NUMBER(4) MP3 tag - Year
genre VARCHAR(255) MP3 tag - Genre
is_part_of_c NUMBER(1)
location VARCHAR(255) Filepath & filename of track on disk
format VARCHAR(32) A string representing audio format , eg. "MP3" or "WAV"
bit_rate NUMBER(10) Bit rate
sample_rate NUMBER(10) Sample rate
file_size NUMBER(10) Track filesize
play_time_secs NUMBER(10) Track duration in seconds
rating NUMBER(1) MP3 tag - Rating
comments VARCHAR(255) MP3 tag - Comments
date_added NUMBER(20) Date track was added to library (format not known)
last_played NUMBER(20) Date track was last played (format not known)
times_played NUMBER(10) No. of time track has been played
cue_point NUMBER(20) Info for cueing?
rc_mixes NUMBER(10)
bpm REAL Beats per minute
label VARCHAR(255) MP3 tag - Publishing label
track_flags NUMBER(10)
global_id VARCHAR(255) a GUID
loop_in NUMBER(20) Looping info
loop_out NUMBER(20) Looping info
structured_ct VARCHAR(511)
ind_title VARCHAR(32) How is this different to Title?
ind_artist VARCHAR(32) How is this different to Artist?
ind_album VARCHAR(32) How is this different to Album?
ind_genre VARCHAR(32) How is this different to Genre?
ind_bpm INTEGER How is this different to BPM?
discid VARCHAR(255) Seems to be "C:" for me
producer VARCHAR(255) MP3 tag - Who produced it
remixer VARCHAR(255) MP3 tag - Who remixed it
key VARCHAR(4) Mixed in key info
number_of_tracks NUMBER(4) MP3 tag - No of tracks on the CD
disc_number NUMBER(4) MP3 tag - Which CD from the set?
number_of_discs NUMBER(4) MP3 tag - No of CDs that came in the set?
date_modified NUMBER(20) Timestamp of last mp3 date change?
modified_by_ed VARCHAR(32) Version of editor that added track to library?
analyzed_by_ed VARCHAR(32) Version of editor that analysed?
analysis_ver INTEGER Analysis version (all 1 for me)
This table stores all the cases in your library
Code: Select all
Field Name Declared Type Use
case_id INTEGER Unique case identfied
name VARCHAR(255) Name of case
date_created INTEGER Date case was create
times_played NUMBER(10) No. of times case played/loaded up
structured_ct BLOB
image_id INTEGER Unique Id of image (in MixImages) representing case
genre VARCHAR(255) Genre of case?
year NUMBER(4) Year case was created?
rating NUMBER(1) User rating for case?
producer VARCHAR(255) Producer for case?
remixer VARCHAR(255) Remixer for case?
play_time_secs NUMBER(10) Total duration of all tracks in case?
last_played NUMBER(20) Timestamp of last case play/load?
date_modified INTEGER Timestamp of when case last modified?
comments VARCHAR(255) User comments about case?
creator_id VARCHAR(255) Indicates if case created on device (& which model/version) or editor
This table identifies which track (by track_id) is included in every case (by case_id)
Code: Select all
Field Name Declared Type Use
case_id INTEGER Unique case Id
track_id INTEGER Unique track Id for track in case
This table stores all the mixes in your library
Code: Select all
Field Name Declared Type Use
mix_id INTEGER Unique mix id
name VARCHAR(255) Name for mix
date_created INTEGER When mix was created
times_played NUMBER(10) No. of time mix has been played
structured_ct BLOB
mix_image INTEGER Unique id of image (in MixImages) representing mix
genre VARCHAR(255) Mix genre
year NUMBER(4) Mix year
rating NUMBER(1) User rating for mix
producer VARCHAR(255) Mix producer
remixer VARCHAR(255) Mix remixer
play_time_secs NUMBER(10) Total duration of all tracks in mix?
last_played NUMBER(20) Timestamp of when mix was last played
date_modified INTEGER Timestamp of last mix edit
comments VARCHAR(255) User comments for mix
creator_id VARCHAR(255) Indicates if mix created on device (& which model/version) or editor
preview_markers VARCHAR(255) Dunno but it looks like xml
This table identifies which track (by track_id) is included in every mix (by mix_id)
Code: Select all
Field Name Declared Type Use
mix_id INTEGER Unique mix Id
track_id INTEGER Unique track id for track in mix
dup_title VARCHAR(255) How is this different to Tracks.Title?
dup_artist VARCHAR(255) How is this different to Tracks.Artist?
dup_album VARCHAR(255) How is this different to Tracks.Album?
dup_play_time_secs NUMBER(10) How is this different to Tracks.Play_Time_Secs?
track_index INTEGER Position of track within mix (relative to other tracks)?
cue_point NUMBER(20) Where in the track it is cued to before playing?
I imagine unused table was to store the mix and case album art, but was never implemented
Code: Select all
Field Name Declared Type Use
id INTEGER Unique image Id
data BLOB Bitmap data for image
I've no idea what this was intended for (mine is empty)
Code: Select all
Field Name Declared Type Use
ext_db VARCHAR(255)
ext_id INTEGER
int_id INTEGER
tag_hash INTEGER Unique hash signature for all MP3 tag info?
location_hash INTEGER Unique hash signature for location?