The music library for the Editor and on the Pacemaker device is in a SQLite database. For further information on the database structure see
this thread. If you just want to have a nose around the database without writing an application, then you can use SQLite Expert
The information in this post is based on accessing one of these databases from within a VB .Net application, though it shouldn't be too taxing to translate the methods used into C# .Net.
SQLite Data Adapter
The first thing you will need is a Data Adapter for the SQLite database. This allows you to connect to your database from within your application.
I think the one I used was which can be downloaded from here. I have successfully used this data adapter from VB .Net within visual Studio 2008 and 2010.
Accessing Data In The Music DB (PMD & Editor Libraries)
Accessing Data In The Music DB (PMD & Editor Libraries)
Never experiment with drugs.... you might waste them
Re: Accessing Data In The Music DB (PMD & Editor Libraries)
Making A Connection
You need to know the fullpath to the DB file for whichever library you are interested in.
For the Editor Library, you will need to For the Pacemaker device you will need to Once you know this you use it in a Data Source string when making a connection to the database in the format
Data Source=<DB filename>
For example, the string for my Editor library on my Vista PC is
Data Source=C:\Users\Sox\AppData\Roaming\Tonium\Pacemaker\Music.DB
In my own code I find the name of the file and store it in a global variable, and use this to build the data source string which I store in a "DBConnection" variable. This is then used in any database connections from that point on (every time access the database).
You need to know the fullpath to the DB file for whichever library you are interested in.
For the Editor Library, you will need to For the Pacemaker device you will need to Once you know this you use it in a Data Source string when making a connection to the database in the format
Data Source=<DB filename>
For example, the string for my Editor library on my Vista PC is
Data Source=C:\Users\Sox\AppData\Roaming\Tonium\Pacemaker\Music.DB
In my own code I find the name of the file and store it in a global variable, and use this to build the data source string which I store in a "DBConnection" variable. This is then used in any database connections from that point on (every time access the database).
Code: Select all
Public DBConnection As String = ""
Public Sub New()
'...... code has also found DB file and loaded into MusicDBFilename variable .........
MusicDBFilename = MusicDBFolder & "\" & DatabaseFilename
If File.Exists(MusicDBFilename) Then
DBConnection = "Data Source=" & MusicDBFilename
End If
End Sub
Never experiment with drugs.... you might waste them
Re: Accessing Data In The Music DB (PMD & Editor Libraries)
Selecting Some Data
To retrieve any data from the data we need to know both the location of the DB file (the data source string) and the SQL which would select the data you require. At it's simplest this would be every record from a named table. For example to retrieve all records from the Tracks table the SQL would be "select * from Tracks"
The following function will retrieve data according the to passed SQL string from the specified datasource, and populate an instance of a DataTable object
And using this in practise to get all records from the Tracks
A More Selective Data Selection Example
Had I wanted to select all tracks with a genre of "RnB" sorted by Artist, I would have used this
To retrieve any data from the data we need to know both the location of the DB file (the data source string) and the SQL which would select the data you require. At it's simplest this would be every record from a named table. For example to retrieve all records from the Tracks table the SQL would be "select * from Tracks"
The following function will retrieve data according the to passed SQL string from the specified datasource, and populate an instance of a DataTable object
Code: Select all
'Retrieve a data set dependant on the input SQL
Public Function GetDataTable(ByVal DBConnStr As String, ByVal sql As String) As DataTable
Dim dt As DataTable
Dim mycommand As SQLiteCommand
Dim reader As SQLiteDataReader
dt = New DataTable()
Dim cnn As SQLiteConnection = New SQLiteConnection(DBConnStr)
mycommand = New SQLiteCommand(cnn)
mycommand.CommandText = sql
reader = mycommand.ExecuteReader()
'add your error handling here
End Try
Return dt
End Function
Code: Select all
Public dtTracks As DataTable
dtTracks = GetDataTable(DBConnectionStr, "select * from Tracks")
Had I wanted to select all tracks with a genre of "RnB" sorted by Artist, I would have used this
Code: Select all
Public dtTracks As DataTable
dtTracks = GetDataTable(DBConnectionStr, "select * from Tracks where genre='RnB' order by artist")
Never experiment with drugs.... you might waste them
Re: Accessing Data In The Music DB (PMD & Editor Libraries)
A Master/Detail Example
This is bit more complex as here we would like 2 DataTable objects loaded with records that have a master/detail relationship between them. For example the master table could contain all Cases and the detail table could hold all Tracks in those cases. The master/detail relationship can be used on a form (eg. within grids) so that when the user selects a case in the master grid, the details grid shows only the tracks in that case. This is without having to requery the database everytime a new case is selected.
In this example I have 2 DataTables, and a single DataSet which is used to link the two together as a master/detail. I then use this datasource in configuring my grid(s) to show the data.
This is bit more complex as here we would like 2 DataTable objects loaded with records that have a master/detail relationship between them. For example the master table could contain all Cases and the detail table could hold all Tracks in those cases. The master/detail relationship can be used on a form (eg. within grids) so that when the user selects a case in the master grid, the details grid shows only the tracks in that case. This is without having to requery the database everytime a new case is selected.
In this example I have 2 DataTables, and a single DataSet which is used to link the two together as a master/detail. I then use this datasource in configuring my grid(s) to show the data.
Code: Select all
Private dsCases As DataSet
Public dtCases As DataTable
Public dtCaseTracks As DataTable
Public Function ViewDBCases(ByVal DBConnectionStr As String, ByVal FilterSQL As String) As Object
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
'Query what cases are in the DB
dtCases = GetDataTable(DBConnectionStr, "Select * from Cases")
dtCases.TableName = "Cases"
'Query what tracks are in those cases
sb.Append("Select CT.Case_Id, T.Title, T.Artist, T.Genre, T.Year, T.Play_Time_Secs, T.Bpm ")
sb.Append(" from CaseTracks CT")
sb.Append(" left outer join Tracks T on (T.Track_Id=CT.Track_Id)")
If FilterSQL <> "" Then
sb.Append(" where " & FilterSQL)
End If
dtCaseTracks = GetDataTable(DBConnectionStr, sb.ToString())
dtCaseTracks.TableName = "CaseTracks"
'Define the master/detail data relation
dsCases = New DataSet
Dim relation As New DataRelation("CasesAndTracks", dtCases.Columns("Case_Id"), dtCaseTracks.Columns("Case_Id"))
Return dtCases
End Function
grdDBCases.DataSource = ViewDBCases(DBConnection, "")
Never experiment with drugs.... you might waste them
Re: Accessing Data In The Music DB (PMD & Editor Libraries)
A Data Modification Example
Warning - Modify you database at your own risk! I advise you take a backup copy of the database file (Music.db) before any experimenting
I can't be doing with RnB so let's delete all tracks of that genre from my library using the SQL "delete from Tracks where genre='RnB'"
Warning - Modify you database at your own risk! I advise you take a backup copy of the database file (Music.db) before any experimenting
I can't be doing with RnB so let's delete all tracks of that genre from my library using the SQL "delete from Tracks where genre='RnB'"
Code: Select all
'Insert/Update/Delete via SQL (returns no. of records affected)
Public Function ExecuteNonQuery(ByVal DBConnStr As String, ByVal sql As String) As Integer
Dim cnn As SQLiteConnection
Dim mycommand As SQLiteCommand
Dim rowsUpdated As Integer
cnn = New SQLiteConnection(DBConnStr)
mycommand = New SQLiteCommand(cnn)
mycommand.CommandText = sql
rowsUpdated = mycommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
Return rowsUpdated
End Function
DBUtils.ExecuteNonQuery(DBConnection,"delete from Tracks where genre='RnB'")
Never experiment with drugs.... you might waste them