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Where are my tracks

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:19 pm
by denz
Hi there. I bought a pacemaker about a year ago, and its had light use in this time. Got it out the other day to dj at this party, so I thought i'd re-familiarise myself with it. I had about 80 tracks on it, but it would only play on the left hand channel.The right hand was blank. I turned it off and re-started it, the screen is blank, apart from th eq bars either side, the horizontal lines top and bottom, and the battery indicator though all the lights and the menus work there is no tracklist so I can't select or play anything. On connecting to the computer, pacemaker editor did not start, and on opening it manually, the device part did not show. The editor did not recognise the device.
I got onto the old forums and found this new one! (well done fellas), I learned how to system restore holding down the buttons, did that, no change but now the device said firmware was out of date. I decided to load your 180096069 version. After a few attempts, the device loaded it up, hooray I thought, but the pacemaker has the same problem, but now it was recognised by the editor at least. I had deleted all the tracks earlier off editor, now I just loaded 2. It seems that the device has synched with editor since I can get to the menu - on status it says that the device now has 2 tracks loaded - but it still won't show them to me and the machine is silent. It does not seem to be a hard drive problem. It will show phones volume but not Bass mid treble adjustment (though it did at first).
Has it had it? Its not bricked but it might as well be. What a nuisance. Got any ideas?

Re: Where are my tracks

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:18 pm
by djpip27
EDIT: Are you sure you're loading a track correctly? Sorry if this sounds like a daft question. Double tap on the centre of the track-pad to open the track list where you can browse and load songs.

If you're certain that something is wrong then this sounds really odd - not heard or seen anything like this before.

I'm not really sure how you'd only end up with one working deck/no songs. It can't be the hard-drive if the device boots and the battery clearly works.
I'd suggest (if you see the device as unusable in it's current state), that you carefully read the instructions in this thread and wipe your Pacemaker and completely start again. Note this is different to what you will have done previously and potentially could ruin your device or put it in a non-working state. Of course it's your choice - but if you are up for the challenge this is probably the only hope you'll have at fixing things.


Make sure your device has full battery before you start this process. Do not be tempted to ignore this as you really could end up with a broken pacemaker. :(

Let us know how you get on, or if you need any help.

Re: Where are my tracks

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 5:20 pm
by denz
First I like to thank you for the prompt response, then say "hooray! you beauty" Tried the total restore and now all is good, it has re-installed 14124 but everything works like it should. Am made up, early xmas present for me!
Well done to you guys, for getting the new forum up and running. Sure has helped me out, and my pacemaker will be out and about again, not just being "drawer furniture" Cheerz!