Play from 0:00 with autocue on
Play from 0:00 with autocue on
Hello, every 01! I have a question: Is there any way to play a track from the beginning disregarding any set cuepoints while autocue is enabled? Is there a way to "rewind" to 0:00? Gg
Re: Play from 0:00 with autocue on
Yes sometimes the first beat detection is not perfect.
Set it to play, then pause it, then anti-clockwise turn on the outside of the pad to rewind it. If you have beat grid on, you should see the beats move backwards with your rewinding and can line up the first beat. If you then press Cue, it will remember this as the new cue point (you can play from here and each press of cue will return to this position), but unfortunately this will be be stored against the track for future reference.
THAT's how you reply Kays!
Set it to play, then pause it, then anti-clockwise turn on the outside of the pad to rewind it. If you have beat grid on, you should see the beats move backwards with your rewinding and can line up the first beat. If you then press Cue, it will remember this as the new cue point (you can play from here and each press of cue will return to this position), but unfortunately this will be be stored against the track for future reference.
THAT's how you reply Kays!
Never experiment with drugs.... you might waste them
Re: Play from 0:00 with autocue on
And THAT'S how you made my day, Sox, I tried it out and it works for me! I still wonder if there is a way to rewind to the beginning of the track without having to "rewind" but at least now I learned how to accomplish what I wanted to. Your help is very appreciated!
Re: Play from 0:00 with autocue on
The original question was: “Is there any way to [do something]?” I've correctly replied “yes”. So where's your problem?
Re: Play from 0:00 with autocue on
I suppose if you want to be pedantic, then yes you answered his question entirely.
I'm sure the OP is very grateful to you
I suppose in this post of yours that my correct reply should actually have been
I'll remember next time.... answer the exact question, and that only
I'm sure the OP is very grateful to you
I suppose in this post of yours that my correct reply should actually have been
I'll remember next time.... answer the exact question, and that only
Never experiment with drugs.... you might waste them